Warrior Cat Club!

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ThunderClan Apprecitation day!

12:00 PM to 12:30 PM

This event has ended.

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user not found for the club Warrior Cat Club!.

I only know of one ThunderClan cat, but ThunderClan is mighty Clan. They can do things, that no Clan could ever do. Would RiverClan be able to stalk in the undergrowth? NO! Would ShadowClan be able to climb trees? NO! Would WindClan be able to live under the trees? NO! Would SkyClan be able to live off Squirrels and mice? NO! ThunderClan is a Clan of courage and honor, and deserves our respect. They have struggled through hard times, but they overcome them. I would like you to celabrate and congratulate every ThunderCLan cat you know for surrviving the difficult times.

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I cant promise im going

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N3RD T0 TH3 MAX! The Drummer is going to ThunderClan Apprecitation day!

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Creek Song is going to ThunderClan Apprecitation day!