Pillow_Jam_Jam's Wendy Loo Club

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?????Wendy Loo????? ~Wilted & Wither Rose Ranks~?.? ? ? ????•??????’? ???????? ?????•? * ???????• ? • ?? *?? ?? If found, please return to: Melun ?? ?? ? ???? Now Playing: ?Snowman - Sia? [??/??/??/?] 1:28 ?——?—————? 3:47 -Rank Club- ?????L??????????? ?Rank Levels: Purest- A guest or visitor, you need to have pure-bands to upgrade. ?Florist- A relaxing grade with play-mode, get the Wilted rose to upgrade. ? Workshoper- A creator to create logs and artifacts, aesthetically get the Wither rose to upgrade. ?Pendering- A well known person in the club, get the moon’s accessories to upgrade. ?Sweetener?- A guide's friend or well known person. Highest rank. * ?????Complete Guide: ?How to get pure-bands?? To get that, you’ll need to start a pure-band-test, and if you did pass, you’ll move to Florist. ?How to get a wilted rose?? To get that, there are many ways. You can get it in Christmas gifting events or enter a Pin code we Guiders will give you. ?How to get the wither rose?? To get a Wither rose, you’ll need to complete a task written by anyone. ?How to get moon’s accessories?? To get that, you’ll need to enter a pure-band-test again. ?That’s all!? ? ??????? ????... ? Shop: ? ??????L??????????? Stickers- 0.99 USD for a pack. ?> ~ <Kidcore & indie Stickers- 0.88 USD for a pack. ??Wendy Loo?? Stickers- 0.99 USD for a pack. ??Gothic kawaii Stickers- 0.99 USD for a pack. ???• ? •??? Kawaii Stickers- 0.88 USD for a pack. ? Beach Sticker- 0.88 USD for a pack. ??Nature Sticker- 0.99 USD for a pack. Free- Seasonal Sticker Pack & Events Sticker Pack <Not Out!> ·? ??· ??????Items<obtainable>: -???????cutting spores… ??· ?????? Done?... Not out- Surprising things you can do: ? Make your own grouops ? Create mini clubs ? Start a Chuble space ? Decorate your own hangout areas ? Make your own presentations ? Sale your own items ? Put up posters ? Insert accessories into shop ? Others you can ask <33 How to join: ? You’ll need to ask the Guiders and Sweeteners. ? Or members ? As a visitor, you cannot do anything but watch. ? Others can help too. ? You’ll have to sign up a board to join so we members and clubbers can remember. YT academy: ?YT academy is the youtube side of the club, Wendy Loo.co is here to help you make a channel, but in exchange, you’ll need to be one of the Learning Wendy Loo.co side. Wendy Loo.co will support your channel. ?Members & Premiums will get extra support, if Members or Premiums are uploading gaming videos such as: Roblox, Fortnite and Toca Life, they will have special support for the payments in the game. ?Wendy Loo.co will support gaming uploads etc.

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