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Kay, Comet spilled things on me- So: - About lying: Comet knew it wasn't okay, but she was so self concious of her own work, that she didn't want to show it. - Leaving: Actually, she left to fix her own issues and mental self.- Rudeness: She was diagnosed with BPD, NPD, PTSD, and IED. She got somewhat better. (Look em up if u dunno) - She: Apoligized sincerly for how she treated everyone and does wish to come back. If you accept, just let us know here. She doesn't want to log on right now due to guilt.

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hey comet we have been collecting evidence aganset you and we have proof that you have been lieing and we even did medior kits and geuss what you are the only one that is lieing

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the second link didnt work

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I belive Comet has left Club Creators in anger/sadness. I honestly feel kinda bad?.. :?(

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Yeah....same ngl....maybe they had reason? Heard from Sunfreckle shes getting therapy.

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My backstory: I was a rouge born kit, who had tried to leave, I was clawed and my only parental figure-my older sister-was killed in front of my own eyes when I was 5 moons. I ran away as soon as no one was looking. I came across SkyClan, and as they saw me cold, a bit damp, and hungry,-they took me in. Now I'm in SkyClan, and I'm 7 moons old. I'm apparently getting apprenticed tomorrow!! :3 I'm very happy! :D

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hmm... Interesting. Kinda like Barley? Sorta?

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Although, its kinda the oppisote, ya know? See, Barley was part of a group first, and then lived alone. However, Meteorkit was born (Pretty much) alone, but then found a group of cats.

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Yeah! Wait- Meteor, have you even READ to barley yet?

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Well.... If he knew who Lionblaze wuz....

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I mean yeah-

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I hve read to Barley-

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HI, guys I am Nightsong and I am over halfway throught the first book in power of the three.

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Nice!! I'm re-reading power of one!

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... What?

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power or one XDD They meant 3 im sure.

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we had a song in chorus called power of one XDD

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My backstory: As a kit, I was a kittypet, but at the age of 3 moons, I wandered in SkyClan territory. Their leader caught me, and I was forced to be kept prisoner, as I held knowledge that couldent be going around so they took me away into SkyClan Eventually, they decided they could trust me, and I was apprenticed. I strived to prove that my kittypet roots wouldent hold me down, and I strived to be the best warrior I could be

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Great! When I was reading it, I was honestly thinking of Firestar story, kittypet, both fire related names, but they are totally different! I love it!

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Hello! Wow! Another space cat!! X3

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i would love to hear your backstory

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i would love to hear your backstory

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Of course!

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My backstory: Not even StarClan knows where I was born! I was born a strange, mysterious cat, who had blue on my fur. Some think I was kittypet, others think I was a prophecy. I stayed in ThunderClan, as they found me alone in their territory. But, I felt rejected, and never opened my mouth until I was 8 moons old. They had kicked me out at 5 moons-probably against the code...-I had wandered for 3 moons, until i came across RiverClan, who saw the best in me and welcomed me with open arms. I finally felt something in me that felt...right! And, at 8 moons old, I finally spoke to someone. I told the RiverClan deputy all of my troubles, spilt out all of my doubt. They said they saw something special in me. So, here I am. I only joined RiverClan 6 days ago...So I don't have an offical role. Neither have I been introduced to the whole clan, or any other clans. The RiverClan leader was curious about my glittery fur that resembled stars, or the blue on my fur. I had no answers. So, here I am.

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Wow. My backstory seems pathectic compared to yours! Nice! :D

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Lol Ty :3

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Also I only stayed in Thunderclan for 5 days, sooo-

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omg what a wonderful backstory mine would never compare

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That's alot Comie-

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sry, my humor sucks....

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XDDDDDDD It's fine, I thought iit was funny XD

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Btw, I was lying. I didn?t want to be mean, but now that you?ve been mean to Meteorpaw, that story sucked

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Btw, I was lying. I didn?t want to be mean, but now that you?ve been mean to Meteorpaw, that story sucked

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What kinda kit falls out of the sky, and instantly knows everything?!

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Hey, creek, come on gurl. Be the bigger person. I?m not saying I dont agree with u, but???..

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................Comet was special, she was going to be a prophecy cat with powers, but she was also supposed to be born from a comet........

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I'm sorry.

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Hi! This is my charecters backstory: I was born to a WindClan she-cat named Mistcloud, and was fathered by a RiverClan tom, Moonfall. I was kept in WindClan so my mother could nurse me, but once I became and apprentice, i fell behind. While all the other cats were able to sprint throught the moor, my paws seemed to drag at the ground, and I could never quite master catching rabbits. The other apprentices teased me, but that was nothing compared to when the WindCLan deputy himself told me I didnt belong in WindClan. I ran off, but my father found me. I spilled all of my worries into him, and only then did he tell me, even if my mother was WindClan, I was a true RiverClan cat. Mistcloud was furious, and clawed out a piece of my ear, a scar I still wear today. No matter what any cat says, I am RiverClan, the Clan of skill and grace.

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Deep. Posted mine above.

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This pic. is actually the polished cover for Moorise BTW

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I know!

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Thought so. BTW, dont you think the polished covers ARE SO MUCH BETTER!

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Welcome to SpaceClan! My name is CometStar, i'm your leader! Anyone joining, state your clan name, position (EX. warrior, kit, apprentice), I will appoint a deputy, also state how many moons old you are, or any other additional information! Thank you and goodbye!

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You sound unsure of yourself-

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I don't know what to say when i'm done speaking-

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I was just confused, cuz u said hi and bye, at the same time.

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BTW: RiverClan, Creeksong, Young Warrior. 18 Moons

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Lol, and alright.

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So wait, I know u said youd apoint a Deputy, who is it?

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So wait, I know u said youd apoint a Deputy, who is it?

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Why would I want to be deputy of a lying brat????????

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tru tho'

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.......................Actually, I was a hypocrite............ :(

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Welcome to my clan! I'm your leader, Comet! (Yes I drew the logo myself-)


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