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so one day there was a pickle mom and a pickle dad and they had a baby but the pickle mom said no its my baby and the pickle dad tried to eat the baby but the pickle baby had a chainsaw in his diaper and he took it out and the pickle dad turned into a sliced pickle and he had to have a coffin for singular pickles (a tiny pickle jar) but the pickle jar was too small for the pickle dad so he had to use a normal sized jar for more pickles and the jar couldn't fit into the ground so he had to be a monument in the pickle town hall forever.

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Ohio, what the..?

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Once upon a not-so-special day, in the mystical land of Broccoli Forest, there lived a family of spoons. The Spoon Mom and Spoon Dad had just welcomed a tiny teaspoon into their shiny, metallic world. However, Spoon Mom was overly protective and declared, "No, it's my teaspoon!" But Spoon Dad, in a moment of absurdity, attempted to scoop up the baby spoon thinking it was soup. To everyone's surprise, the baby teaspoon had a miniature rocket launcher tucked beneath its handle. Upon its deployment, Spoon Dad transformed into a series of small, shiny spoon fragments, necessitating a proper container for a spoon funeral. The dilemma arose when the only casket available was a thimble, far too petite for Spoon Dad's fragmented remains. Thus, a decision was made to use a teapot instead, an oversized monument by spoon standards. However, fitting the teapot into their pantry mausoleum proved impossible. As a solution deemed both genius and pointless by the spoon community, Spoon Dad, now in his teapot casket, was hoisted atop a kitchen shelf, becoming an eternal guardian of the Broccoli Forest. This teapot was no ordinary teapot; it became a symbol of absurdity and a reminder of the day when protective instincts led to spoon fragmentation and rocket launches in a peaceful kitchen drawer. And so, Spoon Dad watched over the spoonful denizens of Broccoli Forest from his lofty perch, a metallic sentinel in a realm where teaspoons wield rocket launchers, and teapots serve as noble resting places. UwU

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I regret living.

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... please control your kids..

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How are yours so calm and peaceful and get along!?

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? because they are descendants of Canada! Plus, the people are really nice!!

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Of course you would say some dumb shit like that.

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