SpaceClan (I dunno man-)

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My backstory: I was a rouge born kit, who had tried to leave, I was clawed and my only parental figure-my older sister-was killed in front of my own eyes when I was 5 moons. I ran away as soon as no one was looking. I came across SkyClan, and as they saw me cold, a bit damp, and hungry,-they took me in. Now I'm in SkyClan, and I'm 7 moons old. I'm apparently getting apprenticed tomorrow!! :3 I'm very happy! :D

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hmm... Interesting. Kinda like Barley? Sorta?

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Although, its kinda the oppisote, ya know? See, Barley was part of a group first, and then lived alone. However, Meteorkit was born (Pretty much) alone, but then found a group of cats.

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Yeah! Wait- Meteor, have you even READ to barley yet?

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Well.... If he knew who Lionblaze wuz....

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I mean yeah-

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I hve read to Barley-

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HI, guys I am Nightsong and I am over halfway throught the first book in power of the three.

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Nice!! I'm re-reading power of one!

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... What?

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power or one XDD They meant 3 im sure.

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we had a song in chorus called power of one XDD

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