Sparkle, Sweat, and Cheer

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Alright -- here's my First assignment for a promising start by putting my thoughts into writing. The question to ponder is: Why are you starting this weight-loss journey? I guess the main reason is because I need to be conscientious that my own body is not truly mine. Each and every single one of us has been created thoughtfully by God Himself -- and we are not our own. We are His temples. We are an interesting combination of a soul and a physical being. So while it is absolutely important to take care of our souls -- our bodies often become a second thought. But that's not how it really works. We are supposed to be respectful of our bodies as well. Needless to say, I have been utterly disrespectful and I'm so tired and sick of it -- that for this and so many other reasons, I really need to FINALLY MAKE A CHANGE. Making this change will in turn provide me with so many, many blessings. The biggest one that I pray for is finally being healthy enough to become a mom. That would be an incredible blessing. There's the additional important ones as well, like no longer requiring diabetes medication. And then there are others that are less crucial, but still meaningful, like being able to go to theme-parks and fit on the rides without stressing, fitting into whatever I would like to wear without issue. Just being free. I feel like healthfulness equals freedom. Not being healthy is like a self-imposed jail. I know the journey won't be easy, but it will be different this time around because I have so many support systems here now. This has to be it. I can't postpone this any longer. And I am looking forward to it!

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You can do it! Just set your mind to it and follow through. Hope your goals and wishes come true!

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Gracias, Geni. Yes, you're right. I can do it. It is possible to do it. The tough part is that consistency. I need to remain consistent. Consistency is key. I think being able to hold each other accountable every Saturday while definitely be of great aid with this. :) I hope your goals and wishes come true, too!

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