Sparkle, Sweat, and Cheer

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Hi and hello! Being that we are getting ready to wrap-up Week 6 and moving onto Week 7 -- I thought it would be a good time to take this to the next level. Prod a bit further. Dig a little deeper. Nothing earth-shattering but definitely a good opportunity to explore our reasons and our motivations a bit further. I am inspired to do this because of the course that I am taking with my nutritionist. These are assignments directly taken from that course. They were designed by a professional and a licensed nutritionist so -- YOU KNOW THEY'RE LEGIT. I have three assignments in mind -- but we will begin with just one. Nothing too impossible to handle, right? I will be creating an 'Event' for each separate assignment. The very first one will be: '10 Self-Care Options to Do When Feeling Bored, Sad, Anxious and/or Stressed'. Look into the 'Events' section for further instruction and may I ask that you please be embracing of these exercises. I know they can cause a big eye-roll ('cause that's how I typically feel whenever I am assigned them!) BUT -- after I've completed the exercise -- I THEN FULLY UNDERSTAND WHY IT WAS IMPORTANT TO DO THEM. It helps me learn something more about myself. It gives me A TOOL that I can reference to for future guidance. It is worth that little bit of grief. Give it a whirl! C'mon! Live a little. :) And THANK YOU for taking the time to work on it. It should be worth it. :)


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