Sparkle, Sweat, and Cheer

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Happy Wednesday! As we know, 'Sparkle, Sweat and Cheer' is a weight-loss focused group -- but that doesn't mean that we can't ever veer off-topic! :) For today's random post, I've got a little 'FILL IN THE BLANK' activity. Feel free to comment below and 'Fill in the Blanks' with your very own answers: 1: My all-time favorite book is ________. 2: My all-time favorite movie is ________. 3: If I could travel to one place, it would be: ________. 4: All I want for Christmas this year is ________. 5: My all-time favorite Christmas movie is ________. 6: The best place to enjoy New Year's Eve is ________. 7: If I could be anywhere right now, it would be ________. 8: My favorite beverage of choice while working is ________. 9: My favorite way to relax after a long day i s________. 10: One food I could eat every day is ________.

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1: My all-time favorite book is Memoirs of a Geisha. I really need to expand my horizons, I know. But when I think back to the handful of books that have really caught my imagination -- this is DEFINITELY the one that stands out the most. Arthur Golden's descriptions of the kimonos and of the environment made it feel like you were THERE in the middle of Kyoto. He also really knew how to describe a woman's feelings -- despite him being obviously, A MAN. 2: My all-time favorite movie is TITANIC. It doesn't matter how many times I've seen it or how many people now shrug it off as cheesy -- I will always remember what an experience TITANIC was to watch for the first time on the big screen. I really felt like I was on that ship and that I was going down right with it. No other movie -- before or since -- has been quite as enthralling. 3: If I could travel to one place, it would be: either Italy or France. YEAH, my dream traveling destinations aren't really exactly 'original' PER SE -- but I've always been attracted to charming places -- and these two countries appear to be as charming as it can possibly get. 4: All I want for Christmas this year is a Winter Wonderland. Perhaps this year will be THE year? 5: My all-time favorite Christmas movie is Home Alone 2. I love the original Home Alone as well, but Part 2 wins by an edge because it has New York as the setting and because of Tim Curry as well. 6: The best place to enjoy New Year's Eve is probably New York (Times Square). Although the crowds would probably make it an overwhelming experience, it's still THE CITY where the ball drops for everyone to see. 7: If I could be anywhere right now, it would be traveling around the world with my family. It has actually been a dream of mine for several years to get to experience the world -- or at least a little bit of it -- with my family. It seems like a dream. I pray to God that we get to receive this blessing while our mom is still here with us. 8: My favorite beverage of choice while working is coffee. I mean, OBVIOUSLY. Although I'm really partial to hot chocolate as well. :) 9: My favorite way to relax after a long day is with a long karaoke session. Karaoke sessions are so THERAPEUTIC. 10: One food I could eat every day is Macaroni 'n' Cheese. I LOVE IT. Too bad it's not always the healthiest, but it's the DEFINITION of comforting. :)

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1: My all-time favorite book is agreed to be Memoirs of a Geisha! | 2: My all-time favorite movie is currently the Ghostbusters remake! I love the dumb receptionist the most! | 3: If I could travel to one place, it would be: Greece, then a mediterranean trip to Spain and then a Euro trip! | 4: All I want for Christmas this year is an at-home gym! | 5: My all-time favorite Christmas movie is Home Alone 3, it brings good memories! | 6: The best place to enjoy New Year's Eve is at home with a little wine and cleansing traditions | 7: If I could be anywhere right now, it would be working at a fun job! |. 8: My favorite beverage of choice while working is Coffee or Coca Cola | 9: My favorite way to relax after a long day is listening to music! | 10: One food I could eat every day is pizza!

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1: Agreed! It's such a good read! You're REALLY traveling to Japan while reading this novel. :) 2: I've only seen it once! I really need to give it another whirl. :) 3: Wow! That's an amazing travel destination! Santorini in Greece has always been a place that has called my name! It seems so fresh and inspiring! And a Eurotrip is definitely the way to go. :) 4: I hear ya! I hope you get your wish! Add stuff to your Wish List. :) 5: Home Alone 3 is definitely a classic within OUR family. It brings nice memories to me, too! 6: I was actually thinking about saying something similar to this. New Year's Eve equals to a nice, relaxing night at home with some wine. Regarding the cleansing traditions -- yeah, those were definitely a part of our life for the longest time but lately, I haver been forgoing them due to my ever-developing Catholic learnings. 7: You are quite close to this! 8: Coffee is a CLASSIC. Coca Cola is probably good for that last boost that one needs during the last two hours of the workday. 9: Yes, music is therapy. 10: I was DEFINITELY considering adding pizza as well -- but for some reason, I've been on a Mac 'n' Cheese craze as of late. :)

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