Sparkle, Sweat, and Cheer

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WEDNESDAY MERRIMENT: For today's mid-week amusement, I thought of an activity that is a bit, I guess you could call it...CINEMATIC. Let's post our THREE ALL-TIME FAVORITE MOVIE SCENES and let's describe WHY they have moved us so much. Since this platform only permits 1 photo per post -- we will need to make 3 SEPARATE POSTS with a screenshot of such movie scene and a description (as long or as brief as you feel compelled to make it) of why that scene has made the impact it has made on you. This is just a bit of fun for our Wednesday. :3 AAAND this activity will also qualify us for 1 Medal (worth 1 Token!) once we have completed it. Scroll below to see my 3 all-time favorite movie scenes. :D

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It is NOT the above scenes. lol. Except for Lady and the Tramp. That scene is ADORABLE! 8D

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Cute idea! I've been putting this off because I don't like movies as much and I don't think I have any insight to add though, sorry!

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I figured. It doesn't have to be movies. If you have any stand-out scenes in shows that you like, or even music videos (or any visual medium, really!) -- it'd still count and you'd still earn that Medal! 8) Perhaps there's a favorite Breaking Bad scene you'd like? I know there's several for me that come to mind! lol. :)

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