Sparkle, Sweat, and Cheer

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Halli-hallo! A quick Recap post 'cause I'm starting to see very slim participation around here. I just want to preface by saying that I do not expect c-o-n-s-t-a-n-t participation. I know life gets in the way a lot of the time. But if you're struggling with your journey or something is up that is not exactly aiding you in your weight-loss goals -- please do let me know so that I can try to support! There have been a few tasks going on around here that are still a work-in-progress. Here's a quick recap of them: 1: 'FRIDAY CHECK-IN 08.11.2023': If you're going to accomplish ONE task in this group -- I highly recommend it be this one! The primary goal of this group is to hold us accountable and to cheer (or support and/or motivate) each other on. If we don't Check-In -- we're missing out on that big benefit of being a part of this little Club. 2: 'GAME TIME: ONE WORD STORY': This one is worth a Medal (worth 1 Token!) once completed. An easy-peasy way to earn one, if I do say so myself! 3: 'THREE ALL-TIME FAVORITE MOVIE SCENES': I do admit this one is a bit of a bigger task. But it's a FUN task, so I didn't think it'd be a huuuge deal to accomplish this one...(It's also worth a Medal [worth 1 token!], too!) But if you're not into the idea, well, that's OK. I do ask that you give it a whirl, if you can. Although we've known each other our whole lives, I think it's still fun to learn new little tidbits about each other -- learning which movie scenes are our faves I think is a fun little bit of trivia. Well, this is the end of the Recap post! This is the THIRD week of August (this month has FIVE weeks! Cray-cray!) so, I say we Make It Count? Do you agree?


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