Sparkle, Sweat, and Cheer

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Salut! Now that I've found some time to add things to do in this Club -- here's an Official Update! UPDATE 1: 'Game Time: One Word Story' is still going on -- although I'm beginning to feel that it will be reaching its conclusion sooner rather than later. Let's try to make some sort of semi-coherent story here to wrap things up nicely and then collect our well-deserved medal! lol. UPDATE 2: Due to no Friday Check-In last Friday -- there is a belated version for today (Wednesday) available. Checking-in is one of the more crucial tasks to do in this Club (ACCOUNTABILITY IS IMPORTANT) so, if nothing else -- let's always aim to take care of this one! UPDATE 3: The third assignment for this week has now been, well...assigned! It's titled: 'Letter To My Future Daughter.' It's a carbon-copy of one of the (many) assignments that I've done within my nutritionist's course and I found it quite interesting. I hope you get something out of it, too, and that you refer back to it when things start getting a bit shaky with your weight-loss journey! UPDATE 4: This Friday, September 1st -- not only will it be Geni's 35th birthday (YAY!), but it will also be the conclusion of our 'Biggest Loser' competition. Since it will be Weigh-In Day, we'll be able to find out who the biggest loser is RIGHT THEN AND THERE. UPDATE 5: Nothing much else, really. Just wanted to say that if anyone (really...meaning, Geni...) ever wants to post content into this Club -- YOU ARE MORE THAN WELCOME to do so. :) Getting input from two minds is better than just one! Additionally, posting stuff helps with inspiration AND motivation, too. Motivating OTHERS helps motivate ONESELF. It really does!


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