Sparkle, Sweat, and Cheer

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Hello and Happy Birthday Eve to Ms. Geni! I hope you carve out some space tomorrow to celebrate yourself and your very special day! THREE BIG-DEAL EVENTS TOMORROW: 1: First and foremost: Geni's 35th birthday! I hope you have a memorable day. REALLY try to do something nice for yourself! :) 2: 3rd Monthly Weigh-In Day! Make sure to weigh yourself first thing in the morning and after having had used the facilities. Make sure to avoid too many carby things TONIGHT (tomorrow -- eat as much cake as you please!) and to drink lots of liquids to keep things flowing. 3: Biggest Loser Contest Winner Day! Tomorrow -- we should be able to determine who was the biggest loser. I think that the Reward for the biggest loser should be a Medal! It can be a very special Biggest Loser Version of the Medal that can only be earned by winning this competition! This Medal -- like all other medals -- will be worth 1 Token and will get us closer to earning that very nifty prize. :) Let's prepare for a Big Day tomorrow! And once again, Happy Birthday Eve, Geni! :)


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