Sparkle, Sweat, and Cheer

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Zdravstvuyte! Today is our 3rd Monthly Weigh-In! Let's make sure to get on them scales and FACE THE MUSIC. Hopefully, you'll find that the scale has been kind and that your number has decreased. But there's always the OFF-CHANCE that the scale may display otherwise. When THAT is the case -- the FIRST THING is to take a deep-breath and to conscientiously NOT ALLOW your determination to break. YES -- IT IS GOING TO HURT. After trying so hard, seeing that the scale displays a NO-LOSS or even a GAIN is like a GUT-PUNCH and a blow to the stomach. In one word -- it is: Heartbreaking. BUT WE NEED TO BE CONSCIENTIOUS THAT THIS MIGHT BE A POSSIBILITY BEFORE WE STEP ON THE SCALE. If you're not ready to face that potential outcome -- perhaps it would be best to not weigh yourself at this time. Start the week off fresh, do the best you can with your workout/diet routine and THEN try to weigh yourself the following week when you're more mentally open to whatever number the scale might display. If your outcome has been that there was a NON-LOSS or even the dreaded GAIN -- take some heart and take stock of the potential reasons why. The most common reason: If you were working out diligently -- it's highly likely that you put on MUSCLE weight. As we all know, muscle is more compact -- but weighs more than fat! So, you may be smaller and trimmer -- but TECHNICALLY HEAVIER. Remember that it's much better to be trimmer IRL than to have the scale display a lower number. The reverse: Being bigger but having the scale display a LOWER number would just be an illusion and not TRUE RESULTS. On the other end -- perhaps you kind of phoned-it-in. Deep down -- we all know if we tried our best or not. If you know that you did not -- don't get disheartened with what the scale said. Simply, face the facts that you didn't really do all that you could do and that this is what might happen when we don't put in a real effort. Just take a deep breath, recalibrate, write-up a GAME PLAN for this upcoming week and when the day comes to begin said Game Plan -- JUST DO IT. Like the Nike ad. And do that as many days as you can muster to do so. The more consecutive days you do it (with Rest Days in between) -- the easier it gets to do it. You just sort of start going on Auto-pilot and don't even think about it or dread it all that much. YOU JUST DO IT because that is your NEW NORMAL, your new ROUTINE and really, your NEW LIFESTYLE. Eventually, when it's time to weigh-in again: YOU WILL SEE RESULTS. The KEY HERE is to NOT DROP THE WHOLE THING. Instead, we need to reflect, take stock and try again and again. No matter how many failures, how many gains -- we need to recalibrate and try again. Weight-loss isn't easy. If it were -- EVERYBODY would be doing it and it wouldn't be the multi-billion dollar industry that it is. It's a HARD THING, but you were made to handle hard things! YOU CAN DO IT. Give yourself a REAL FIGHTING CHANCE.

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The above being said, I'm pleased as punch to say that I have lost 6.9 pounds during the month of August. I think that incorporating that LEGENDARY Kathy Ireland workout really worked wonders! It's such a COMPLETE workout. It's kind of a Fool-proof method. Maybe one of these days I will write Kathy Ireland a letter thanking her for making such a RELIABLE and EFFECTIVE workout program! Haha. :D

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