Sparkle, Sweat, and Cheer

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ANNOUNCEMENT: I want to take this moment to wish my wonderful sister: Ms. Geni -- THE BEST 35th birthday possible! I KNOW, I KNOW that I've already wished you Happy Birthday several times -- but I just really feel strongly that birthdays ought to feel *SPECIAL* -- and you're such a special lady that you deserve ALL THAT IS GOOD in this world! Like I said before, I hope you feel special and celebrated even during the parts of the day where you're just chillaxing at home (while you wait for your celebratory events later on in the day.) :) I suggest you do stuff to pamper yourself! Paint your nails, put on a relaxing and soothing face mask while you watch your favorite movies, write-up a list of your new 35th-year-of-life intentions and goals, etc. etc. Just simply -- make this day AS SPECIAL AS YOU ARE! I really hope and pray that God bestows a HUGE amount of blessings upon you -- now and forever! CHEERS TO YOU, MS. GENI! Thank you for being such a wonderful sister! - Diana. :)


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