Sparkle, Sweat, and Cheer

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Hello all! This is a WHERE-WE-ARE post just to catch-up. :) Currently -- there are two Events (tasks) pending: Promising Start: Let's Put It In Writing! and the Monday Check-In 06.26.2023. Brief synopsis of each: Promising Start: Answer the question: Why are you starting this journey? and post it here on this Main Feed for all to read and cheer you on! The second task: Monday Check-In 06.26.2023 pertains this week that just ended and how you are feeling about your weight-loss journey. Simply answer the question: How are you feeling this week? You can give a brief synopsis or a lengthier post, if you wish. Remember that we need to Check-In each and very single week! It's to encourage and to help us do this as a family! Geni suggested a cool idea of starting up a Biggest Loser competition. I'm in! We could begin it in July! How much should the Cash Price be? That's all so far! Grazie! 8D


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