Sparkle, Sweat, and Cheer

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Another one! Done with DALL-E if you want to create your own!

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This is SO ADORABLE! I've heard of that AI-artwork stuff but I've been too scared to look into it. Is that how you made this?! 8D

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Super easy. I just typed in "cats working out, sweating and cheering" and I got a bunch of results! Dall-E is easy to use, there's another one called Midjourney but it's super confusing to use!

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Yeah, all this AI-artwork and who-knows-what-else stuff kind of freaks me out. I don't like AI having a 'mind of their own' (for obvious reasons) but at the same time -- I can see the appeal of this. Just type in a few keywords and a cool picture will appear! I'll probably cave in sooner or later.

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