Sparkle, Sweat, and Cheer

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Haaapy Friday! In order to celebrate the end of an overall successful July (Don't forget to join the FRIDAY CHECK-IN post today!) -- I thought it might be fun to have a 20 Questions game going on. :) You probably already know the rules of the game -- but if a refresher is needed, it's pretty simple: One player will think of a PERSON, PLACE or THING and the other player will need to figure out who or what that person, place or thing is in 20 questions or less. :D I shall begin first and I will think of the person, place or thing to be guessed. Now, can YOU guess who or what that is in 20 questions or less? After the first round has concluded -- we can switch around and then I will be the one to guess! Best of luck. :)

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The ocean??

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No, not the ocean. :3 (Just a little tip - it is best to ask if the item in question is a person, place or thing in the first question. In order to narrow it down a bit.) :)

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All right, is it a person place or thing?

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It's a person. :3

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What is that person's ethnicity?

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It looks like this person was German.

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What is this person's profession?

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Oh, man. Now you are narrowing this down too quickly. lol. Their profession was in music?ALRIGHT! A composer. Probably one more question (or less) before you get this right. :3

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Was this person Ludwig van Beethoven?

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DING! DING! That is correct! You got this WAY too quickly. 5 questions only! Now you have to think of something and I will have to guess and try to beat your score. Let me know when you have thought of something. :)

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Woo hoo! Thought of something now! You're up!

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OK, the Obligatory First Question: Person, place or thing?

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Male or female?

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Dead or alive?

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He is alive!

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Talk show host! :) Really awesome show

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Errm, John Oliver, perhaps?

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No, try again!

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Trevor Noah? :3

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Nope! I want to give you a hint but I'm not sure if I should!

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CONANDO? :-O I mean, I hope it's him! There's only so many currently active Talk show hosts, lol.

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No! Not Conando! Think of past shows!

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I was thinking of CURRENT shows. Man! Stephen Colbert? :3

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OH EHM GEE. Whazza goin' on?! OK, I'm going to mention the names of the rest of the talk show hosts in my list -- please let me know if one of them is him: Jimmy Kimmel, Bill Maher, Jimmy Fallon, Jon Stewart, Seth Meyers, Craig Ferguson, Ryan Seacrest?

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NOOO! All no! You're kind of far from him, literally!

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OK. Space Ghost? IT.HAS.GOT.TO.BE SPACE GHOST! I mean, if he's unlike any other regular ol' talk show host, it's got to be him!

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Getting much closer, but nope!

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Well then, Moltar or Zorak?

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No, he's the main host!

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Is he animated or is he a live person? Alright, I'm going to try to knock myself out with some melatonin now so that I can sleep throughout the night and wake up ready for that Monthly Weigh-In. I bid you a good night, sis! :)

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Live person! Good luck!!

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WELL...if he's 1: A live person 2: Alive 3: Totally UNLIKE any other talk show host -- then that can only bring me to: MR. ALEX JONES. Am I right?! AM I RIGHT?!?

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I'm going to nuts here. lol.

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Nooope! Think of really old shows!

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D: It is NOT Alex Jones? Sniff, sniff. Well, what is the ethnicity of this mystery man talk show host?

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PS: I just added another response to your response on the 2nd Monthly Weigh-In thread. :3

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He is Mexican!

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Adal Ramones? :D

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DING DING DING! You got it!! :)

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Congrats, it was a tough one!!

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It took me 14 questions. At least I made in less than 20. YES, you picked a fairly obscure TV personality. SHEEESH! Haha. Well, you're the winner of the 20 Questions game since it only took you 5 questions to find the answer. I did realize early on in the game that we were playing it slightly wrong, though. The questions and answers can only be 'Yes' and 'No' answers. No further details given. It had been a while since I had last played...but for next time, we shall play it correctly. lol. Well, CONGRATULATIONS on your win! You have won a nifty medal worth 1 Token! 8D

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