Sparkle, Sweat, and Cheer

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Oh. em. gee. Last week I had felt my endurance increase and the workouts that once KILLED me no longer gave me the same feeling of satisfaction at the end. THAT'S when I decided that I needed to 'up the ante' and begin doing something more challenging. That's also when I decided that it was time to revisit this LEGENDARY workout: 'Kathy Ireland: Total Fitness Workout'. Wow. I could totally tell how much my body has changed since I last did this workout as a younger whippersnapper. Obviously, not necessarily for the better. It was DEFINITELY the challenge that I was seeking. During many parts of it, I didn't even know if I would make it all the way through but, somehow, I managed it. Now afterwards, I FEEL AMAZING and THAT'S the feeling that I was looking for:) I shall keep doing this until I feel that it is also no longer that big of a challenge. But I'm sure it will remain challenging FOR A LONG TIME because I'm older, obviously I'm bigger than I was and because as we know, it's divided into THREE PARTS and it will be a JOURNEY until I'm able to do all three parts in one session. But it's the challenge that I need. I wonder if one day I'm going to be an 85-year-old woman and I'm still going to be revisiting this Old Faithful of a workout. lol. What can I say? It does the job! :)

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Can't beat that workout at all, it gets the job done and it's easy to follow along, maybe because we subconsciously memorized the steps. Congrats on being able to follow through! It's really tough!

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That's so funny you mention that about subconsciously knowing the steps. My muscle memory was STILL AS FRESH TODAY as it was when I was a 13-year-old working out to this video with our mom. I WAS AMAZED! 8D BUT, the difference was how my body FELT. Compared to how I used to feel before when I was young doing this workout, this time I felt like a TIN WOMAN. All stiff and NOT NEARLY as flexible as I used to be. Everything hurt more. Even just trying to STAND in place. I don't think I've ever noticed the impact aging has had on me UNTIL TODAY when I was doing this workout. D:

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It's just a long time since you did workouts like this, you'll get used to it! You're already improved so much, being able to finish through it is a really good accomplishment. We'll never be spring chickens no more but you can do the workout!

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True dat. I think we're Summer chickens right now (it doesn't sound TOO terrible!) Then when we hit 50, we'll become Fall chickens and then when we hit 70, we'll probably become Winter chickens. LOL.

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Yes, I think exercise is so powerful that it can probably reverse the effects of age (to a certain extent) in a person. By the time I've 'mastered' this workout, I'll probably feel about 10 years younger and I'll probably feel closer to how I used to feel as a youngin' doing this very workout. :) I'm as up to the challenge as I'm ever going to be. :)

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