Sparkle, Sweat, and Cheer

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I don't even know what are my favorite movies, but I will try to post a few favorite scenes from great movies. First up is Monsters vs Aliens, which is a surprisingly hilarious movie. This scene the brave president (actor Steven Colbert) plays for a giant alien who just appeared on earth, and Reddit says that how they portray the playing is spot on. Anyways, it's so hilarious I won't spoil it but post a link!

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I've never heard of this movie, let alone seen it! This sequence was pretty hilarious so I think I'm going to be checking this movie out. So...when you say that Reddit people say that the playing was spot-on -- do they mean that the keyboard strokes were accurate or that people actually do play songs on instruments whenever they met an alien? :O

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The keyboard playing! It was like a real music producer or something that wrote that he loved the movie because of that part!

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That's really interesting! There's a childhood Tom & Jerry episode that we used to have recorded off of the TV in which Tom played a REALLY complicated Classical music piano piece and the animation always receives kudos as well for fairly accurately portraying the keys that are to be played. Pretty impressive! Especially for a hand-drawn animated episode from 1947! Here's the LINK to the YouTube video:

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