Sparkle, Sweat, and Cheer

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Yet another busy-ish day for me. I just noticed that I didn't make a proper Check-In post on Friday and today it is Monday already. Sorry about that. I can honestly say that I've been out of it and trying to get back into my previous routine. It's interesting just how much trips out-of-town (even if they're not that distant!) can really throw off your normal routine. Since this is the last week before the 3rd Monthly Weigh-In -- I think we're going to have to kick it into high-gear this week in order to see the best possible results. Nothing too extreme -- but just take up a notch a bit in order to give ourselves the edge on this upcoming Weigh-In. This week, we'll have a mindfulness exercise or two. We'll just do what we gotta do in order to make this work. :) I gotta hop in the shower 'cause I need to begin getting ready for my little niece's birthday celebration but YEAH, I just wanted to drop a note here that I haven't forgotten about this group -- not in the least. I've just been trying to get back into my routine. Cheers and will be back soon!


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