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Me who just combined a few songs to make this: (Some other part of the song)... Can you wash me? Can you drown me-ee? (In the same tone and speed:) THere's an infestion in my minds imagination, hoping they choke on, I'm smoking them out the basement, no, this is not rap, this is not hip-hop, just another attempt to make the voices sto-op, rapping to prove nothing just writing to say something I (short pause) wasn't the only one who wasn't rushing to saying nothing, this doesn't mean I lost my dream is just right now; I got a really crazy mind to... (cleeeee-eeeeean, cleeeeeeee-eeean) Can you wash me? Can you drown me? Cause... I will save face for name's sake, abuse grace take aim to obtain a new name in a newer but my name is lame, I can't walk and I ain't the same, and my name the same; is my new destiny to the grave and I- I don't wanna fall awaaaaaaaaaaay, I don't wanna fall awaaaaaaaaay, Don't wanna faaaaaaaaaa-aaaall... in... to... a blatant trapdoooooooo-ooooor, a blatant trapdoooooo-oooooor, a blatant trapdoooooo-oooooor... (Song end)

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You have a Twenty One Pilots obsesssion, eh?

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Y u p

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