Warrior Cat Club

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Hey, Creek, I was wondering, since you pretty much just drew a charecter that looks like mine, could you draw me one? (My cat is below)

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Of course I can try! No promises, as Im new at this art thing, but I couldent help but notice that cat was a Cattails charecter. Butterscotch, I belive was his name. I use Phantom as my Profile pic, as it beatifully matches my Warrior cat.

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Oh, his name is actualy Buttercup, but yeah, Cattails is a great game, especially the sequel! I love how it feels like you are playing a Warrior cat game, but I have yet to meet and official one

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There actually is a Roblox one, but it sucks, trust me I played!

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I finished the drawing, Fawnspots!

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